Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

Elections Mainpage arrow the Candidates arrow KPFK Staff Candidates arrow Jonathan Alexander Candidate Statement

Jonathan Alexander Candidate Statement

I’ve been a KPFK listener since 2001. I started volunteering at KPFK, working at various events, answering phones for call in shows, etc. I was drawn to KPFK because I immediately realized how important it was as a source of information. We provide information that you are not going to find anywhere in mainstream media. I felt this was the best way to help aid in peace and justice, by working within KPFK and Pacifica to fulfill their mission. While I didn’t have money to donate, I did have time to help so I decided to volunteer.

After volunteering for about 6 months I started working in the membership/subscription department where I assisted with mailing out premiums and taking a lot of phone calls from listeners.

During this time, starting as a volunteer onto subscriptions, I had the opportunity to talk with a lot of listeners like myself. And realized these are the people that I really have a lot in common with because despite all the differences of the station, what we all do agree upon is peace and justice for everybody is important, peace as well as economic justice.

After working in membership for a while, in 2004 I found another way to help the station, which was applying my technical skills where needed. For a while I doubled as membership assistant and in-house tech person/IT guy. Eventually I began to get more experience with more of the programmers by providing email administration and technical assistance.

Eventually I became assistant to the chief engineer, which I still am to date. I’m the network administrator as far as the office computer network and email, recording studio, audio network and station equipment, tech support to the station, staff and programmers. Available whenever anyone needs help with computer problems. I am running for the LSB because I see this as an important time in the history of the station and I feel it is an important time for me to contribute to the station in a broader capacity. I want to focus on increasing our dwindling listener base by reaching out, by making our radio station more appealing to youth and I would like to see in general the shows sound more professional. I would like to help just by using my abilities to work well with a broad range of people, to help put the stations focus away from the infighting and internal political struggles, help us move forward faster on issues where there is a consensus.

We are also on the verge of major technological improvements regarding our signal, such as a transmitter for the Malibu area and the potential offered by HD radio. I look forward to serving to facilitate these improvements both at the station and through dialogue on the Local Station Board.

Thank you for considering Jonathan Alexander as a Staff Representative on the KPFK LSB.

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