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KPFT Staff Candidates

Below are the Staff Candidates for the KPFT Local Station Board.

George Reiter Candidate Statement

I see the challenge of the next years as the creation of more effective means for conflict resolution over station goals, within the context of the mission, and mechanisms for the development of consensus over goals put in place. I am familiar with parliamentary procedure, and would be effective in using those procedures to facilitate the work of the LSB in doing that.

Ron Reynolds Candidate Statement

The world in which we live, is often formed by what be believe.

What we believe, is more often formed by what we hear.

I’m blessed to be a part of an organization where words are spoken and heard by thousands of people.

Sandy Weinmann Candidate Statement

Fellow KPFT volunteers,
After many hours of consideration, I have decided to run for a position on the KPFT Local Station Board. As some of you are aware I have completed four years of service on the board. It would be easy for me to walk away from the LSB however I consider the ongoing work we are currently engaged in to important to put aside. The Pacifica family, KPFT included, is a gift to us all. It is my wish to continue service with the LSB to help make sure that our island of free speech may continue to thrive.

Cara Kristin Anderson Candidate Statement

KPFT Listener-Sponsors and Friends,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and let you know a little bit about the dynamic impact I intend to make, should I come to represent you on the KPFT Local Station Board!

Staci Davis Candidate Statement

KPFT is the greatest radio station in Texas. There is no doubt about that. My vision is to ensure that the rest of the United States discovers what we already know to be true. In a city rife with so many very powerful people it can be difficult for "little guys" like KPFT to be heard. This is why as your station board representative I will work towards syndicating more of our programming onto the Pacifica stream. By working with Nathan Moore, our National Program Coordinator, KPFT management and you the programmers, I will work to ensure that when those crucial national programming decisions are made that our awesome programming is represented for its unique belly of the beast perspective. We have the talent, the desire and the where-with-all to become the most talked about public radio station in the United States, Let's do it y'all!

Chris LaFrance Gatlin Candidate Statement

Hello, my name is Chris LaFrãnce Gatlin, and I am running for a staff position on KPFT’s Local Station Board. Being involved with KPFT in many facets over the past few years, I have been honored to serve such a community of individuals connected to its mission statement of service to underserved individuals.

Deon Plummer Candidate Statement

People want to work, to feel part of a process, part of an achievement, even times of disappointment. The privilege to speak for a community, as a community; this labor, to work for those who chose to trust you to speak honestly and openly with them, this is a not a job, it is a responsible privilege.

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This statement, dear anonymous Siegel/ Casey c...
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...But please write in Aaron Aarons as your first ...
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