Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

Elections Mainpage arrow Staci Davis

Staci Davis

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Staci Davis Candidate Statement

KPFT is the greatest radio station in Texas. There is no doubt about that. My vision is to ensure that the rest of the United States discovers what we already know to be true. In a city rife with so many very powerful people it can be difficult for "little guys" like KPFT to be heard. This is why as your station board representative I will work towards syndicating more of our programming onto the Pacifica stream. By working with Nathan Moore, our National Program Coordinator, KPFT management and you the programmers, I will work to ensure that when those crucial national programming decisions are made that our awesome programming is represented for its unique belly of the beast perspective. We have the talent, the desire and the where-with-all to become the most talked about public radio station in the United States, Let's do it y'all!

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This statement, dear anonymous Siegel/ Casey c...
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...But please write in Aaron Aarons as your first ...
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Heh! Ken's got over 100,000 hits here on this blog...
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