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Cara Kristin Anderson Candidate Statement

KPFT Listener-Sponsors and Friends,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and let you know a little bit about the dynamic impact I intend to make, should I come to represent you on the KPFT Local Station Board!

First, I feel it’s important to point out that I am 26 years old, as I know my youth will make a positive impact on the board as a whole. I am a graduate of The University of Houston with and Honors degree in Public Relations and Journalism. Currently I work as a volunteer co-anchor at KPFT Local News. I am also an accountant, dance instructor, and event planner. I love to stay busy and desire to make a difference with my time.

KPFT has always been an important part of my life. As a listener for over ten years, I feel as if I have grown up with KPFT and the information and original entertainment I have received has been invaluable to me as I matured into the cultured, well-adjusted, intelligent woman that KPFT has helped me to become.

I would love the opportunity to represent my demographic and our new culture today and lend my youthful ingenuity and fresh outlook to the board, in order to bring in a whole new generation of listeners to KPFT, as my friends generously did for me as a youth.

I believe I have the ability, creativity, determination, and intellect to make great things happen at KPFT and I know that the diversity that I would bring to this board will only bring more of what KPFT listeners want to KPFT as a whole:

Equality and equal representation for all. I intend to have my voice, and the voices of my peers heard and to lend our new, fresh ideas to the board in order to make a great station even greater in the years to come.

I hope you’ll vote for me in the coming elections. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or via phone at 281-731-2037. I am always willing to answer any questions and talk with anyone who wishes to speak with me. I want to represent YOU as listeners!

Thank you guys!

Cara Kristin Anderson

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