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Deon Plummer Candidate Statement

People want to work, to feel part of a process, part of an achievement, even times of disappointment. The privilege to speak for a community, as a community; this labor, to work for those who chose to trust you to speak honestly and openly with them, this is a not a job, it is a responsible privilege.

Lew Hill's ripple effect, that is why myself and others volunteer , we volunteer in all capacities of radio: news and music, to create that balance, to maintain that balance. I have been volunteering for a short time, yet I have discovered a lot about myself and others who share the way I feel about freedom, about people, it has opened avenues of causes and reasons for change. I want to be the voice of those we reflect in listener supported radio, always making decisions on the behalf of the people. There are some who call me idealistic, true that. I believe most Board members started out that way, now we need each other, to restore each other, not only in Houston, the whole Pacifica family, we need to do it worldwide. It is just that simple. There is nothing hard about listening to those who we serve, because we are still those in our quite times. The time before we decided to accept a more active part in pursuit of truth, peace, and democracy.

We should not allow the process to abuse the listener, because the listener is our conduit to our success. I hold that to heart, because that is how I feel--an empathic spirit of akria. The ability to know that I am not always right, is my personal mantra. I will be honest, I believe in a structure creativity; music and news radio, is like the image of Man by Michaelangelo, who himself in history is an artist and scientist. The platform I can say is this, it is not about reform; it is about restoration. It is not about a single program it is about, it is about being a community that relates to the communities we represent. Differences will always been there, so will the commonalities. It is not about complex thoughts or solutions, it is about keeping it simple, that is, " We are... for .. and by the people."

My name is Deon C. Plummer, just call me "D".

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