Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

Elections Mainpage arrow John Wenger

John Wenger

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John Wenger Candidate Statement

I want to help KPFK better fulfill its tremendous promise. I am well qualified because I can solve challenging problems. I have grantwriting skills; extensive experience developing the Pacifica bylaws; two years experience on the KPFK Finance Committee; and seven years phone-room experience. I am expert in election protection, and expert in Information Technology. I am a co-chair of the LA County Green Party, and am studying ways to fight global warming. I am a trained researcher with a Ph.D. in Physiological Psychology from the University of Washington, where I learned grant-writing skills, which I would like to use to help KPFK. Pacifica Network is chartered as an educational non-profit corporation and is therefore eligible to apply for educational grants.

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