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Elections Mainpage arrow Shel Plotkin

Shel Plotkin

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Shel Plotkin Candidate Statement

I was a co-host on the Wizard Show from 1980 to 1995 when the show was taken off the air during the attempted takeover. Besides myself, there were Bob Nelson (astronomer at JPL) and Fleur Yano (physics professor at CSULA) as co-hosts. Many guests were nationally known scientists and a few internationally known. A major program feature was the call-in portion when listeners could discuss their views directly with our guest scientists. The Southern California Federation of Scientists (SCFS) produced the show with the objective of explaining scientific technical details in terms untrained listeners could understand. Our theme song, "We're Off to See the Wizard" from the Wizard of Oz depicted our point of view. Details not explained satisfactorily during the interview and discussion part of the program were the subject of listener phone-in conversations.

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