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Elections Mainpage arrow the Candidates arrow KPFK Listener Candidates arrow Alise Sochaczewski Candidate Statement

Alise Sochaczewski Candidate Statement

“If my wife is not here everything will fall apart” he said, the naturalized U.S. citizen who escaped torture in his country and is now fighting against the forced return of his wife, the mother of their young children, to their country of origin. As a psychotherapist working with refugee, immigrant, and indigent families in community mental health I listen to stories like this every day. Stories of families being torn apart by heartless enforcement of immigration laws, stories of young people who are turned off and angry because of warehouse educational facilities and dangerous neighborhoods, stories of abused women who are more afraid of the police and social services than their abusive partners.

Well, dear listeners, I have decided that I am going to arm myself and I hope to arm you as well with reality and truth, with knowledge and understanding, with power and connection. We can accomplish this by sharing our stories with each other and by learning how dominant ideologies and institutions shape our lives. As Bill Moyers said: “This is the moment freedom begins, the moment you realize someone else has been writing your story, and its time you took the pen from his hand and started writing it yourself.”

I turned to KPFK for information, for truth, for connection, and for action that will impact people’s lives. I volunteered at station funddrives and have been active on the Outreach Committee. I have attended LSB meetings as a listener-observer and believe that I have the energy, experience, and fresh outlook that is needed to move this vital organization into the dynamic change agent it is meant to be. It is time for KPFK to become a real force for active change in our communities. We will only accomplish this by listening to you, our supporters, and by bringing into play the power of your ideas and your commitment to our shared mission of social justice and change.

If elected I will work to expand our mission out into the communities of marginalized and disenfranchised people and to the young people of our city. I will promote greater public participation in the station’s programming and in the daily working of the station. I will act to reinvigorate meaningful training programs, educational programs, and cultural programs to bring skills and opportunities to our youth and all who wish to participate. I will work to promote greater cohesion and improved communication among all who are engaged in the work of keeping this station going, be they staff, volunteers, or board members, so that we become a more effective and efficient working entity.

The power of this radio station is in you, the people who support it. Please vote and become an active member of this station. Let’s work together to ensure that “powered by the people” is the real engine behind KPFK. A vote for Alise for LSB member will move us in this direction.

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