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Chuck Anderson Candidate Statement

My name is Chuck Anderson. I am a candidate for The KPFK Local Station Board. Please note that my candidate statement and biography for 2006 were altered and misrepresented. The purpose for my candidacy: I am interested in participating in making important management decisions, program planning for listening pleasure, education and political concerns of our times. I will join and participate actively on KPFK action committees.

I am joyed at the addition of multi Spanish language and indigenous programs. I dream of additional programming of other cultures and languages.

At present, on KPFK, there is some representation of African American members of our community. More are needed. An energetic effort must be made to return full representation of African American peoples on this station. I applaud the efforts to improve this. However, the imbalance is apparent. It must be adjusted. I am also concerned in providing for more Arab American and Palestinian political and cultural broadcasts in Arabic and English languages. We must hear more about the political prisoners. I would promote more handicapped/disabled programs along with representation of Animal rights, vegan/vegetarian, bus riders and welfare protection of the homeless and needy. The problems and concerns of all immigrants must be defended and addressed. I would encourage more listener call-in programs and broadcast time for homeless. More time is needed for calendar events and more often local, national and international news coverage. Every program should have a weekly listener call in of 15 minutes without screening for democratic listener input and participation.

I am a socialist, Bolivarian, Panafrican and Guadalupano. I think that ownership of the tremendous productive wealth built up by the hundreds of millions of workers can't remain in the hands of a privileged few. We must build our ideas and dreams into practice. I am involved in the student, labor, women's, LGBT, antiwar, antiracists and immigrant movements. We must be active and energetic in the promoting of our good and common causes, give more exposure to their struggles and openly recognize and embrace the efforts of community activists.

I am a volunteer and work with many Orange County and Los Angeles organizations that promote good and just causes. Please vote for Chuck Anderson.

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