Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

FA Tony Bird Candidate Statement

Sometimes a one-issue candidacy can be an important referendum on a neglected issue. I'm offering myself in that spirit, here for 9/11 truth. If elected to the Local Station Board, I will work for increased programming on this subject so KPFK might live up to its fifth Mission mandate, to promote full distribution of public information.

My awareness of 9/11 truth came about thanks to KPFK, which does more than others to educate its listeners. But its efforts are largely limited to material produced outside the station and used as premiums during pledge drives. Certain hosts deal with 9/11 truth in occasional interviews, but I believe the station should become much more proactive, analyzing information, pursuing leads on its own. Several other LSB candidates are similarly motivated. Christopher Bayard Condon, first runnerup in the last election, encouraged me to join him this time around. He has proposed a weekly hour-long program to feature nationally known researchers like David Ray Griffin, Webster Tarpley and Dave Von Kleist, as well as local activists.

I would go a couple steps further. Besides a regular feature program, I believe there should be an opportunity to ask questions on the air. There are many local researchers who devote themselves almost fulltime to this subject. There is no better format than call-in for sifting though the evidence in faith that the truth will out. Additionally, I would like to see KPFK's news department pursue all appropriate leads. For example, Professor Lynn Margulis, winner of the National Medal of Science, recently called the Bush administration's version of 9/11 events a total fraud. Distinguished people are joining this movement every week. And rumors about further false flag terror are afoot and need to be investigated. Many are suspicious of the out-of-protocol movement of nuclear weapons a month ago. Who is following up on these things?

I admit to a one-issue candidacy, but I hope not to be a one-dimensional board member. I bring education, experience and interests which are attuned to many aspects of KPFK. I worked for many years as a reporter and editor on community newspapers in the Midwest, Southwest and California. This experience in journalism left me with the deep desire that nothing—repeat, nothing—of the public's business be hidden from the public. I also worked for many years in the language translation business—I'm sort of a jack of all languages with a bachelor's in English. I have an abiding interest in folk and ethnic music, and was a graduate fellow in folklore and mythology at UCLA. My family ties reach from Asia to Italy. My reading interests extend to science and literature, I'm a Sierra Club member and an active hiker, rockclimber and backcountry skier. Every few years I find myself working in the building trades, usually carpentry, as I'm doing presently. That construction background helped me see through the hoax at the World Trade Center. Help me go to work now for the whole truth.

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