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Jack Lindblad Candidate Statement

I have been a listener-sponsor since the ‘70s, grateful for KPFK/Pacifica’s existence. It opened a new window to the world for me then, and its free speech mission is even more critical now. It’s time for me to give back.

Once elected to the LSB, I will aim to craft policies which 1) achieve an increase in the number of marginalized, oppressed, and ignored voices on the air in content and programming at KPFK and 2) help establish an unpaid staff/volunteer organization/union.

Top Passions of My LSB Term:

  • Protect KPFK's 'fierce' independence from corporate influences for an alternative venue for the truthful dissemination of information with diverse points of view, not ordinarily heard in dialogue.
  • Urge KPFK's paid programmers and producers to train and share the airwaves with inclusively selected volunteer programmers to replace themselves to respect the station's community-based, on-air training ground or progressive university aspect.
  • Air strategies and tactics to reduce and cope with global warming economic, political, social and environmental effects and related issues of sustainable living, design, practice and techniques Biographical Highlights and Background:
  • Elected Member, Green Party County Council; County of Los Angeles; Senate District 20 2006-2008 (Northeast San Fernando Valley)
  • Participant, "Conflict Resolution Training-Mending Human Relations" sponsored by L.A. City Human Relations Commission, National Conference for Community and Justice
  • Co-author and presenter, award-winning Panorama City Urban Design Assistance Team Study for developing of a sustainable historic commercial area in cooperation with the Los Angeles City Council and Planning Department
  • Coro Southern California Neighborhood Leadership Development Program Graduate, 2003
  • Candidate of the Peace and Freedom Party for the 24th US Congressional Seat in 1992
  • Organizer of 'Censorship in Corporate Media' on-site demonstrations against local outlets of ABC, CBS, and NBC initiated during the media spin build-up to Gulf War I in 1991. Occupation: Architect - Private Practitioner:
  • Responsible for project budget determination, analysis and adherence. All projects have been profitable and delivered on-time
  • Master of Architecture, Texas A&M University with an Outpatient Healthcare Facility thesis
  • Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design, University of Washington
  • Pioneered a mix of services which defined Diagnostic and Treatment Outpatient Surgical Medical Centers with MRI Facilities as a new building type employing innovative day-lighting techniques
  • Served as an initiator of the Panorama City Neighborhood Council formation and is active in the Livable Communities Council of the Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley. Jack's work has included religious campus planning and revitalization of existing commercial centers to foster pedestrian friendly sustainable urban environments
  • Workshop participant/presenter of Los Angeles Citywide General Plan Framework for the Van Nuys-North Sherman Oaks District
  • Featured in magazines such as California Centers Magazine and was a workshop participant of Paolo Soleri's energy-efficient, sustainable city prototype in Arizona
  • Co-presenter on "Artist-Owned Live/Work Space as Catalyst for Central Business District Recovery." Testified as expert witness in forensic consultations. Taught at Woodbury University, contributes to professional journal articles and has been listed in the Who's Who Registry
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