Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

Linda Sutton Candidate Statement

I'm Linda Sutton and I'd like to represent the listeners of KPFK on the Local Station Board to help ensure continued access to the progressive point of view. These last years have seen a narrowing of the media both nationally and locally. Monopolistic corporations allied with the defense industries have consolidated ownership so that there are now only a few who control all the mainstream media. The result has been to eliminate nearly all dissenting views and to replace serious issue analysis with distraction entertainment"journalism."

Add to this the destruction of the Fairness Doctrine under Ronald Reagan, and we are left with a very controlled corporate message that leaves the majority of the American population in a state of ignorance about the real issues that face us in the world today.

Pacifica and KPFK is that one light which shines through the propaganda and helps enlighten listeners and guide them to events that can make a difference to the survival of our democracy. My background is in education and media, and I am a longtime activist. I currently teach world history, am an exhibiting photographer, and returned to Democratic political activism following Katrina.

Earlier in my life, I was one of the first women hired as a magazine advertising sales representative in Los Angeles -- a first taste of the sexual discrimination that was rampant at the time. In 1976, I coordinated Governor Jimmy Carter's press office in Los Angeles. After this, I was Ira Reiner's only appointee in the City Controller's office and worked with the auditing department to communicate their findings to citizens. One resulted in a 60 Minutes story with Mike Wallace that aired repeatedly. I left City Hall to raise my two, now grown, daughters.

Most recently I've worked with the UTLA House of Reps Human Rights Committee and introduced the impeachment resolution that was passed by this most important union representing 48,000 teachers. I am on the executive board of Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles and serve on their endorsement, education, and media committees. I am also a member of several other local Democratic clubs.

As part of the Media Reform Committee of the Progressive Caucus CDP, I produced several public access television shows through Adelphia/Santa Monica with Marcy Winograd as the moderator. One featured Iraq and the other the First Amendment (loss of). Both aired extensively last spring. I then formed Truth Now Productions with the first interview being "Gore Vidal -- On Education" aired on KPFT and KOOP in Texas, and now on Michael Butler's blog.

My photography has been exhibited locally at the Marriott and Hilton Hotels in Woodland Hills and in the "Tree People" exhibit at Farmani Gallery in Beverly Hills. My event photos may be seen on a variety of political action websites including Progressive Democrats of America, Progressive Caucus CDP, LA Indy Media and Iraq Vets Against the War.

As a longtime KPFK listener I am asking for your vote.

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