Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

Reza Pour Candidate Statement

The Imperialist rulers of the U.S. are rampaging through the world invading and occupying other countries, torturing and detaining people in secret prisons, and terror, surveillance, incarceration indefinitely without charges. In this country, they are eliminating a woman’s right to choose, they are stepping up oppression and discrimination against minorities.

There is no prospect for a better world for immigrants or anyone else in the world.

The U.S. attacks on people are part of a whole program that has to be resisted. Imperialism drives people out of their lands, and murders them as they cross the border, if they are lucky to cross the border; they have no other choice but to work in sweatshops or in construction.

What we are facing from antiquated political parties, serving the ruling class, dominated by corporate wealth and military power. It is a race in which we can all choose to change it, or just to watch it. The people have the choice to come together from all different nationalities and fight back all the ways, in a united struggle against a system that is the source of our misery and suffering. These are the defining challenges confronting the movements. The present time demands leadership from those who will live with the consequences of our decisions now. All of the struggles around KPFK find their roots in one question: Do we have the vision of the world situation so that we are able to find a new general manager and forward the station progressively to the new area.

I have been supporting KPFK since 1964. Upon entering KPFK activism, I was elected to LSB. I also served as chairman of the Outreach Committee. I have not missed a single LSB meeting, during the last 3 years. I’m deeply committed to helping KPFK continue its process of transformation to a station connected to all the communities. I have been active in Orange County, Echo Park, Silver Lake and in Glendale.

As you read these statements, know that your vote will reflect your decision on the station. With your vote, you can choose the leaders for today and tomorrow, for KPFK and for the world.

REZA POUR contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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