Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

Ricco Ross Candidate Statement

My name is Ricco Ross and I am a candidate for the KPFK Local Station Board. I am a father, actor and activist. I have been acting for 20 yrs, starring in block buster movies such as Aliens and Mission Impossible and TV shows from Hills St. Blues, to The Practice and E. R. to name a few. I am a delegate for the 42nd Assembly District, a member of the African American Caucus and the Chair of the Education Board for the Progressive Caucus of the Democratic Party. I have a BA, from FAU and a Masters in Fine Arts from UCLA.

It is no secret that the mainstream media is anything but fair and balanced. It has dumbed down to spewing detailed information on the life of Paris, Brittany and OJ, rather than real debate on why we invaded and remain in Iraq, why American car makers are tuning out gas guzzling SUV's while foreign hybrids have waiting lists or why there is an increasing divide between the haves and have nots, even in a time of war. KPFK had mature debate on important issues concerning Iraq before it became popular. Still, there are too few stations that are doing the kind of investigative reporting, minority programming and eclectic music that KPFK does. I believe in the Pacifica Mission Statement and I'm committed to putting my time, energy and ideas to work as a LSB member. It is not only important to continue the work KPFK has done in its long history but to build upon its diverse programming, to increase our younger audience, our English speaking Latino audience, and work on the idea of creating a Spanish speaking station of KPFK. I would also like to move the management to take advantage of this ever changing 21st century with all it has to offer with new software, hardware and ideas to ensure the funds that are so generously donated are used as efficiently as possible.

As an actor I have had the good fortune to work and live all over the world in such places as England, Japan, Bulgaria, South Africa, Thailand, France, Italy, Germany, and more. America is a much different country when viewed from the outside looking in as opposed to the inside looking out. Speaking as someone who lived abroad for 13 years, I understand that information is to opinion as words are to thought. I feel this experience will give me a unique perspective on the LSB as a citizen of the world.

My name is Ricco Ross and this is why I am running for the LSB and why I ask and hope I deserve your vote.

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