Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

Schyna Pour Candidate Statement

KPFK needs a new generation of activists!

That’s where I come in. I am currently 16, and for the past 11 years I’ve been involved with KPFK. During this current situation around the world, this station calls for a stable board and the skills and ability to meet KPFK’s goals. Not only do we need members for the board with experience, but we also need new members with a new vision.

At around the age of 5, I started becoming involved with KPFK, and I practically grew up there. I began answering phones during fund drives, and donating food with my father, for many KPFK events. After a few years I started becoming involved with recording and news broadcasting for the early morning show, Peoples Without Borders.

While attending school, a made time to become involved with other organizations at school and outside of school, including: Confederation of Iranians, Union of Progressive Iranians, Echo Park Free Pacifica, and the Glendale Peace Vigil. I was also able to attend several LSB meetings, Outreach committee meetings, and I was also involved with the waiver campaign for the disadvantaged.

This year I’ve decided to try something new, and increase my involvement in KPFK. KPFK needs to outreach to youth and for this to happen we need youth to be involved in communities, to participate in programming, staffing, and increasing members& volunteers.

SCHYNA POUR, contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Comments (1)add comment
dadelson: ...
schyna pour is, i believe, one of the most qualified candidates for the local station board. she has been attending meetings of the board for many years, and so is aware of the role of the board, its processes, its weaknesses and strengths, its history, and the issues it has grappled with. in fact, over the years, she has attended more local station board (and its predecessor local advisory board) meetings than many current local station board members. as a result, she's familiar with the time commitment required to function effectively on the board, and has demonstrated that commitment already. this is a crucial quality in a board member at pacifica, where meetings are long and any substantive changes take time and patience. in addition to familiarity with pacifica's governance structure, she understands radio production, and what it takes to work effectively at the station. and of course, she knows a great deal about the station. she's a careful listener and has always been a helpful and supportive contributor at many kpfk events. i believe she will be an effective local station board member. for kpfk to thrive in the future, it needs to attract younger active listeners such as schyna, and entrust them with responsibilities equal to their talents and commitment. i wholeheartedly support schyna's candidacy, will be voting for her #1 on my ballot, and urge others to do the same.

dave adelson
chair, pacifica foundation board of directors

October 27, 2007

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