Welcome to the official website of the Pacifica Foundation Local Station Board Elections

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Sergio Monteiro Candidate Statement

I am a retired physics and electronics professor at a local community college. I now work developing high tech surgical equipment and an inexpensive system to bring mammography to the women living in the exploited nations. My scientific and technical expertise should be an asset to the board on issues that require this type of knowledge. My experience in the classroom gave me plenty of opportunities to learn how to defuse confrontational situations, which will also be of value at the board.

I was born in Rio, Brazil, and keep my original culture intact. At the board I will be a voice and a vote for the Latino interests at the station. As a leftie I will side with the poor and oppressed classes. I will work in support of the local cultures, of the smaller cultural groups, whether it be of geographical origin as a Guatemalan native American, a black or a Korean, or of a social nature, as workers, GBLT or women, as opposed to the American homogenization model. I have not been brainwashed, I do not believe in “balanced presentation”, I take sides and am proud of doing so. If you want board members that vote in the middle of everything, then I am not your candidate; if you want a board member that is a committed leftie, then I am your guy.

As an LSB member I would have, as I had as a professor, the responsibility of moving ahead with the agenda. In the LSB case I will have to learn how to foster a good working environment within both the board and the station. This should not be understood as a spineless board though; I am a real leftie, am passionate about social issues and will do my best to work for a reverse in the current trend in the American society. Whether or not I will have the abilities to do so in this new venture for me – a board member – I cannot say because I have never acted in this capacity. I can say, though, that I am intellectually aware of the skills needed to create a good working environment.

I have been a KPFK listener for most of two decades I have been in the Los Angeles area, and a supporter of it for most of this time. I try to listen to most of the Spanish language programs at the end of the day, which are of the highest quality. I try to listen to Amy Goodman. I love Riku Matsuda’s energy and enthusiasm, being sorry that she is now only on alternate Thursdays.

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